About Me !

Hey there, I'm Lisa!

Superconscious Creator & Educator

Leadership & High Performance Mentor

Neuro Scientist & Quantum Trainer

I’ve always been fascinated by the unlimited human potential ... and gosh.... have I put it to the test!!

It's all about ENERGY.

When we take responsibility for how we are showing up, the energy that we bring to our life, we live life from a stunning new perspective.

When we grasp this 'concept', you understand that life just doesn't 'happen' to us, it's actually a mirror response to the ENERGY we live in.

The REALITY, we are all 'wounded' by this life or past lives in some way.

Without these wounds, we carry no wisdom.

When you feel, sad, bad or angry about yourself or others, life seems to just keep giving you things to feel bad about. On the flipside, happy, grateful people seem to always have wonderful things happen to them and for them.

You first need to be 'aware' of this. Then it requires focus to live intentionally. So it's time to stop being busy ignoring the elephant in the room, and take a look inward at your energy!! The alarm is probably going off ... mine was!!

Life events drove me to pursue this, it was survival.

Now I channel my own energy into a much higher global purpose.

I work with clients from around the world who are Leaders, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Creators & Visionaries teaching a simple, easy to use process that very few leaders know how to teach!

To activate and live as a Superconscious creator and become a Master Manifester.

My expertise specialises in REAL tools via a unique combination of proven neuro-quantum science, epigenetics, ancient wisdom and tapping into your Superconscious mind to recode resistance and self sabotaging habits to step into your full power. 

It is possible to overcome all of your limitations and become a Master Manifestor. 

I have walked the path and went from sick, homeless and facing bankruptcy with a $500,000 debt to building a business that generated over $10 Million in revenue.

It’s time to ACTIVATE Your Abundance Switch!! ✨ 

My Mission is to teach 1 Million Purpose Driven people to access their Superconscious, to live Unlimited & be Powerful Creators of Joy, Wealth & Contribution. So far I have been blessed to reach tens of thousands via radio and podcast interviews, presenting on corporate stages, webinars and summits.

What People Are Saying ..

