The Superconscious Creator Blog...

Morning Success Rituals

What Successful People do Before 8am

June 18, 20248 min read

“Some people dream of success, while others get up every morning and make it happen.” - Wayne Huizenga


Do you believe 5 morning habits can change your life forever? 

And you don’t have to get up at 5am or 6am….

I was at a seminar many years ago during a very dark stage of my life, and I heard the speaker say “If you hate hard work, and have no intention to improve your life, this room is NOT for you”

I leant in and wished I was sitting at the front of the room, instead of the back (which is where I sat in case I wanted to make a quick exit). 

That was the most influential day of my life to put some disciplines into place so life … would NEVER be the same again! 

In this blog, I will touch on the ‘5 to thrive’ life principles that were shared with me by my powerful mentors, that I not only mastered, but it became my success philosophy that I have taught and passed on to thousands of clients over my 20 years in business.

You see, I was given the promise of the future. I was told there were 5 main habits that highly successful people live by. I want you to ‘lean in’ if you are ready to upgrade your life to superconscious levels.

Habits of the Rich, Happy & Fulfilled

wake up and be amazing

What I am about to share with you is simple, but not easy. It’s not easy because it requires discipline.

The simplicity is, HABITS …  good habits. The problem is, most people don’t have powerful high performance habits in place. They live reactive, and somewhat ‘unconscious’.

If you have not read books such as the following, I suggest you take action:

  • Jack Canfield’s “The Success principles” (over 100 million copies sold)

  • Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (25 million copies sold) 

  • “The Compound Effect” Darren Hardy (over 1 Million copies sold)

  • “High Performance Habits” Brendan Burchard (#1 New York times Best Seller)

  • “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill (over 100 Million copies sold)

These are just the tip of the iceberg! There are millions of books, audio and video resources available, and for FREE! Many great thought leaders have left a MAP of success for us to follow, the problem is, actually putting the knowledge into action and following through until it becomes encoded in your cells as an automatic habit!! 

Quick Self Assessment

morning success habits

What do you habitually do before 8am?

  • How many times do you hit the snooze button?

  • Do you reach for your phone and jump on socials for a quick scroll and check your notifications?

  • Do you watch or listen to the morning news filling your brain with 'drama' before or on the way to work?

  • Is your breakfast a hit of caffeine or a drive through carb loaded, fatty snack in a box?

For over 20 years in my previous business in Wholistic Health and Business Coaching, these are habits thousands of my clients told me was the ‘norm’, and yet wondered why their life was unhealthy and unhappy!

Successful people have a set of rituals to OWN THEIR DAY, to power-up their mind-body-soul system, otherwise, like the billions of people waking up to NO-THING, the day owns them and they chaotically spend the day reacting to life. 

Why before 8am

theta brain waves for success

Why do a morning success routine before 8am

The morning is the most critical time of the day as it sets the tone for the rest of your day. The first hour after you wake up is when your brain is mostly in a theta state, which is a state of deep relaxation and creativity. This state makes it easier to create new habits and form positive routines. By starting your day with success rituals, you program your mind and body to be productive and successful.

You Know this, so why don’t you live it?

You probably know this, and have heard it many times, but why don’t we create empowering habits?

One word. Programming. It’s not your fault!

I am here to wake you up though!!

If we go several layers deep, in your upbringing, you probably didn’t have the ‘success mindset’ programming? We are a product of our childhood, our parents' parents, etc. A large portion of humanity has experienced trauma and lack of some kind, it’s also generational.

Most people are ‘surviving’ not ‘thriving’ so you may procrastinate or stop start stop start new habits.

So how to do change your life? Have a vision to upgrade your life, and follow through with an action plan, and DON’T STOP!!

But Lisa, I wake up tired, and don’t have time! 

YES exactly!! I know. My beautiful mentor Jim Rohn would say.. “For things to change, YOU have to change. For things to get better, YOU have to get better. You will either find a way, or find an excuse”! Ooof… tough right! But soooooooooooo true!

jim rohn motivation quote

Benefits of a morning success routine

Changing your life forever is the first point. That should be enough!

But let's look at a quick list:

  • Increased Productivity

  • Better Planning and Goal Setting

  • Improved Mental and Physical Health

  • Greater Sense of Control

  • Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving

The 5 to Thrive Morning Success Habits

morning success at sunrise

Now there are thousands of resources out there that promote a morning success routine, but they essentially fall into 5 categories. The beautiful thing about it, there is no ‘perfect’ routine, except the one you create for yourself from these 5 pillars. 

I have practiced my morning success rituals almost every day for 20 years, and believe it is the reason I was able to go from sick, poor and $500,000 in debt... to turning over $10 Million in revenue in business, healthy, happy, loving life and turning my dreams into reality.

You can DOWNLOAD my exact Morning Success Rituals Guide >> HERE.

It is simple and you can adapt it to your own lifestyle.

Starting any new routine requires discipline, especially if your habits have not been healthy. Here is the ‘simple’ 5 to Thrive that successful people do before 8am:

  1. Practice Gratitude / Prayer

  2. Journaling / Visioning / Goals 

  3. Physical Health via nutritious breakfast and movement (eg. exercise routine/walk/jog/yoga/qigong)

  4. Mindfulness / Meditation

  5. Personal Development (reading/ audio / video) 

Remember I said it was simple, but not easy. EVERYBODY is capable of the 5 to thrive, don’t you agree?

Setting your alarm 30 - 60 minutes earlier can give you HOURS of clarity and productivity back in your day.... PS you can probably eliminate screen time at night and go to bed earlier too! Right??

How to get motivated to start

success mindset

Finally, to plant some motivational seeds, it’s important to establish a compelling reason or purpose to not only START, but to maintain a disciplined morning routine:

  • Set Clear Goals - I know you have heard this a gazillion times, but without a reason WHY, you just won’t take action. There is no ‘pull’, no desire. Desire is your fuel for the work required and to stay disciplined.

  • Visualize Success - I want you to start dreaming again.

  • Identify Your "Why" - Do you need to improve your health so you see your grandchildren grow up? Do you want financial freedom so you can be a present parent and provide for your family beyond your wildest dreams. It’s many layers deep you have to dig to make it compelling enough to drive you to stick to your habits.

  • Track Progress and Celebrate Wins - Your brain wants to win and then it will want more! Celebrating small wins is VERY powerful for the brain’s reward center for motivation.

  • Align with your Core Values - Stay true to yourself. When you are working on what is truly important in your life, it drives inspired action.

never give up

Remember at the beginning of this blog I said it's simple but not easy!

All of this is basic stuff, and many people have started some kind of new morning thing, but only a handful of people follow through until it becomes their normal, just like you brush your teeth every day. WHY? It has become a habit, a good habit!

Fun fact, because I am a nerdy scientist.. it takes 66 days to rewire a new neural pathway for it to stick!

In deep gratitude to my dear mentor Mr Jim Rohn, taught me this magical formula that I have tweaked and adapted to my life now for over 20 years. I believe wholeheartedly this morning success routine was a major reason I went from sick, sad, homeless and facing bankruptcy to turning my life around to so much abundance, joy, financial flow and time freedom.  

In honour of Jim Rohn, I have dedicated my life to paying his wisdom forward, to provide the tools to purpose driven high achievers so they can empower themselves and continue to pay it forward.

Don’t forget to grab my FREE Morning Success Rituals Guide >> HERE 


Successful people have a set of Morning Rituals to OWN THEIR DAY, to power-up their mind-body-soul system, and it’s normally completed by 8am before their day starts!

Morning is the best time because the brain is transitioning from theta waves. This state makes it easier to create new habits and form positive routines.

The 5 to thrive are noted as the main categories practiced by the rich, happy, successful people, they are: 

  1. Practice Gratitude / Prayer

  2. Journaling / Visioning / Goals 

  3. Physical Health via nutritious breakfast and movement (eg. exercise routine/walk/jog/yoga/qigong)

  4. Mindfulness / Meditation

  5. Personal Development (reading/ audio / video) 

Finally, there has to be a compelling reason for you to take action, and remain disciplined until this becomes a normal automatic habit. 

I promise you, your life will ever be the same again!

I got you!



Lisa X

Watch this short video as Lisa details the '5 to Thrive' Morning Success Rituals rich, happy, successful people do before 8am

morning routine morning success habitsself growthabundant mindsetmanifestbusiness strategymeditationmindfulnesshabits of the rich
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Lisa Marree

I am all about ENERGY, how to remove hidden blocks & make Quantum Leaps in Business. I teach heart-centred, creative female entrepreneurs gain clarity, confidence, laser focus and trust their inner 'knowing' so they can bring their beautiful million dollar ideas to life and scale to their next level in business, doing what they love.

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