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trick brain to wake up early

Trick your brain to get up early

June 23, 20247 min read

“Success comes to those who have the will power to win over their snooze buttons.” - Unknown


Does the early bird really catch the worm?

Oh.. LOL if you are a youngster .. Gen Z or even Millennials.. that used to be a saying for us in our Gen X and above!!

Well yes, the early bird does catch the worm. To translate…the idea behind the expression is that the birds that wake up the earliest have the best chance of catching a good meal, since no other birds have awoken to pick for worms. 

In human terms, you get SH#T done and don’t end up in a bothered, wound up, stressful mess to start your day!

Many clients I have coached over the years had a morning routine of stumbling out of bed then hit the floor running in a fluster, no breakfast, no self time, and start their day BEHIND the eight-ball. 

In this blog I will give you 13 ways to ‘trick’ your brain to get out of bed early so you can step into your awesomeness!

wake up early with the excitement of a child

Why am I making a BIG deal about this?

I believe your level of happiness and success is greatly determined by how you start your day!! You are either in your POWER and OWN your day… or you give your power away react through your day.

My last blog went into great detail about the neuroscience and the why’s behind “What Rich Happy Successful People do Before 8am”, it’s all about a successful Morning Rituals, read the BLOG >> HERE.

So today, as a follow up, I want to make it fun for you and offer 13 ways to trick your brain to get out of bed early!

I don’t mean roll call for the ‘5am Club’ either… however, it’s a magical time of day if you choose to start your Morning Success Rituals then.

I have turned these 13 ‘ways’ also into a fun 🤩 video at the end of this blog below 👇

wake up with kung fu power

There is a lot of neuroscience behind the benefits of giving our brain a direct instruction, or setting yourself up for a WIN!

A classic example most people can relate to is waking up the day you leave for a vacation. You may have been so excited that you couldn't sleep, but my experience is I am always WIDE awake a few hours before the alarm on the day I'm travelling. That is your brain being packed and ready 🤩

1. Place alarm on other side of room

By putting your alarm clock far from your bed, you force yourself to get up to turn it off, making it harder to hit snooze and go back to sleep X DO NOT GET BACK INTO BED x

2. Phone a friend

Find an accountability buddy you HAVE to call at 6am / 7am etc that is awake or wants to do this with you. If they don’t hear from you, they call you!

3. 5-4-3-2-1

Yes, it’s a GLOBAL phenomena that Mel Robbins made famous. If you do not launch out of bed by the count of 1… your ‘caveman’ survival brain kicks in and convinces you to stay in bed a little longer.

wake up and be amazing motivation sign

4. Sleep with curtains open / have 'light' alarm

The skin has ‘light’ receptors to know when the light is on/sun is coming up. 

(I’m also a scientist.. and love nerdy facts..) Did you know The eyes and skin are major organs for sensing light and express several light-sensitive opsin receptors. These opsins mediate cellular responses to spectrally-distinct wavelengths of visible and ultraviolet light.

Once the receptors detect light, the body suppresses melatonin (sleepy hormone) and releases cortisol to wake you up (this is where cortisol is actually healthy for you!!)

5. Place active wear at bedside

Get straight out of your PJ’s and into your active wear as you climb out of bed, LOL including your shoes! This will encourage your brain to exercise, and you are less likely to climb into bed with your shoes on!

6. Find a workout buddy

You are starting a life saving habit if you exercise first thing in the morning. It may be a Power Walk/Yoga/Swim etc, but until it’s a habit, you will probably need an accountability buddy to workout with. This can be someone who wants to get fit with you, or a ‘seasoned’ active person who already has this as a normal part of their day. Having to be accountable will force your butt out of bed!!

7. Automatic coffee machine / wall timer

You can buy a wall socket electrical time to set the kettle to boil when your alarm goes off. That way you can make your special ‘wake-up’ brew immediately!!

wake up early for coffee

8. Mark off your calendar

The act of crossing off days on a calendar is so rewarding. Get a BIG wall calendar, a red pen and cross of day after day after day…… feels sooooooooooo good and looks AMAZING to feel so accomplished!

Aim for 66 days!! That is how long it takes to rewire a new neural pathway.

9. Take 5 deeeeeeeeeep breaths

I could write a book on the gazillion benefits and holistic wellbeing effects of breathwork on the mind-body-emotion systems, stress reduction, mental clarity, youthfulness, are just the tip of the iceberg. 

The elephant in the room is, 5 BIG DEEEEEP breaths as soon as your eyes open is an injection of oxygen into your cells to wake your body and mind up! 

Stay tuned for a blog in the near future about why I promote breathwork for success!!

10. Go straight to your bathroom mirror

I am just a big ball of LOVE, and I want you to LOVE on yourself by saying out loud, looking directly into your eyes

I am awake

I am energised

I am amazing

I am powerful

It’s going to be a great day”

You will feel embarrassed, or laugh, or even cry to stand in your power like this. Most people find this VERY difficult to do because of underlying self worth beliefs. 

Start to do this daily, and you will be singing it from the top of your lungs within days, standing loud and proud…and you brain will actually start to believe it. AMEN!

11. Penalty Jar

Did you ever have a penalty jar for cursing, or being late etc? It’s a good rule if you hit the snooze, you pay the jar. You just have to figure out who you DON’T want to give the money too as a deterrent LOL like a sibling who would LOVE to take your money if you lose 😆

12. Boogie out of bed

What are your favourite dance hits, or singing in the car playlist? Have that go off LOUD from your phone on the other side of the bedroom as your alarm. That will wake your brain up, plus you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

wake up early to healthy breakfast

13. Prep breakfast the night before

Prepare a delicious brekky the NIGHT BEFORE so you have that to look forward to when the alarm goes off. When you do the prep the night before, it’s one less decision you have to make when you get up. This has another benefit of fuelling your mind and body for an energy filled, clear headed morning!


You can trick your brain to get out of bed early, you just have to have enough reasons and incentive to start. 

Remember EVERYTHING is a choice! 

We are creatures of habit, but most people have a set of habits that do not serve them or set them up for success.

If you want to upgrade your life, up-level your attitude and be on the path to health, wealth and happiness, it all starts with HOW you start your day.

I hope you found these 13 brain tricks helpful. If you have any other suggestions, I’d love to hear about them, so you can email me at [email protected] 

PS You can also grab a free copy of my exact personal morning routine I have done for over 20 years to fuel my success > 7 Power Moves - Morning Success Rituals Guide >> HERE

I got you!



Lisa X

Watch this short video as Lisa gives you 13 easy fun ways to trick your brain to get out of bed early

wake up earlytrick brain to wake up earlybrain hacks for successmorning routinemorning success rituals6am club5am clubhealthy morning habitssuccess habits
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Lisa Marree

I am all about ENERGY, how to remove hidden blocks & make Quantum Leaps in Business. I teach heart-centred, creative female entrepreneurs gain clarity, confidence, laser focus and trust their inner 'knowing' so they can bring their beautiful million dollar ideas to life and scale to their next level in business, doing what they love.

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