Superconscious Educator

Leadership & High Performance Mentor

Neuro Medical Scientist & Quantum Trainer


Morning Inner Power


You landed here for a reason. Are you ready to change your life FOREVER?

Have you been doing ALL the things, taking the courses, healing..... PD for years and still standing in the same place?

Let me help you overcome self doubt, self sabotaging habits, ALL hidden blocks with my simple to use neuroscience tools to recode and upgrade your consciousness to magically transform your Dreams into Reality.

Start today to OWN YOUR POWER, become a powerful manifestor and create your dream life.

Download Free


"Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames" - Rumi



Why I Do What I Do

I feel I have lived many lives in one. My childhood beginnings were of neglect, physical & psychological horrors, yet there was an inner voice that said hang in there!

I have dedicated the last 30 years to the Medical & Wellness professions, Business & Leadership Coaching, whilst in pursuit of my own solutions.

As an adult, I have been on an incredible learning path, experiencing serious trauma, illness & disability, multiple surgeries, marital abuse & bankruptcy. All of this has been a blessing to lead me on the path of self mastery, high performance & an extraordinary life, to go on to turn over $10 Million in business.

I am all about ENERGY and RECODING, how to remove hidden blocks & make Quantum Leaps in Life and Business.

My Mission is to teach 1 Million Purpose Driven people to access their Superconscious, to live Unlimited & be Powerful Creators of Joy, Wealth & Contribution.

Small Call to Action Headline

Guided Mindfulness Program + 1:1 Mentoring

Mindfulness for Beginners is a short, powerful and practical Life Enhancement & Nervous System Regulation program.
Lisa demystifies 'Mindfulness' and combines 3 powerful tools in building self trust, inner peace, personal power and a freekin amazing happy life, business and relationships!!

Exclusive 1:1 Coaching Call

Transform your life with your own Morning Success Rituals with this exclusive opportunity with Lisa.

PRIME your day and your life for success.

A POWERFUL 45min Personalised Set Up call to craft your own Success Morning routine tailored to your current lifestyle.


IMAGINE in 3 short months, your life can be transformed? Are you Motivated to REINVENT yourself, the REAL You.. your True SELF. 

Learn a 360 degree approach to reprogram the patterns of fear, unworthiness, shame, guilt, self-doubt, lost identity etc being the victim of the past to be the master of your destiny.

Live Life on Your Terms - confidence, joy, unconditional love, in control of your happy mind... Freedom!


Can you imagine a NO-DIET Lifestyle?

Are ready to STOP the Overwhelm, Yo-Yo Dieting & Failure. I am here to disrupt the BS diet industry and help you BE NORMAL about food, exercise, and most importantly the relationship with YOUSELF!

You get 1:1 access to me, so explore the program below if you are ready to REINVENT your body, and LOVE the skin you are in!

What People Are Saying ..

"What Lisa teaches is so powerful and such a game changer for people wanting to stand out online. Lisa is able to simplify the complexities of the mental & energetic roadblocks we have to showing up online and support people with the stepping stones to get out of their own way.

I highly recommend her training" Sarah NZ
